Welcome to Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Covers software
analysis and design principles in object oriented approach.
Important things should be known after studying this course:
* Explain OOA & Design Definitions and circumstances of applying
object-oriented approach.
* Discuss Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis and Systems Behavior.
* Identify Objects & Classes for the software system.
* Identify object types, attributes, Gen-Spec, Whole-Part structures and
* Analyze Functional and Dynamic Modeling.
* Compare various Object-Oriented Methodologies.
* Clarify Unified Modeling Language.
* Use Different OOA & Design Techniques and an OOA & Design
* Discuss Metrics of Object-Oriented Design.
* Explain Object Oriented Design Principles and Patterns.
* Use Case studies to illustrate and reinforce the analysis
and design concepts.
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